Yampaul Huggins

Web Developer/Software Engineer

Front-End Developer looking for oppotunities in similar jobs. Exploring new opportunities.

Picture of Yampaul

Since the beginning of my journey, I developed a passion towards user interfaces, looks and feels. Trying to catch the user's attention and giving them the best experience overall, without sacrificing functionality.

Current Job

What I've been working on:

  • Migrating API's to Springboot (Java)
  • Creating/Editing modules on Angular.js
  • Migrating modules from Angular.js to Angular 12


What I've been working on:

  • Creating Single page applications with React
  • Creating Node.js projects
  • Publishing Websites

What's next?

What I aspire to everyday:

  • Becoming a better person
  • Becoming a better Programmer/Web Developer
  • Learning from experiences
  • Keep growing my value
